hello hello.
yesterday was our band exchange.
and it was horrible.
guys, come on.
if you're nervous, what makes you think the rest aren't?
if you are the only player in a particular instrument, what makes you think it gives you an excuse to play badly, or not come in at certain parts?
we're a small band, but we have big sound right?
that's great, but we have to play our parts well.
and please please balance your sound.
do not embarrass us, or drag each other down.
let's all help each other.
no more excuses like, " oh i'm nervous thats why i can't play'
we showed the seniors we can get distinction for our marching assessment, why not prove to them we can get more than a bronze, or a cop?
we have less than 10 practices, and not even a month till syf.
those who think that cos we're a small band, it's an excuse for us to :
- play horribly,
- not come in at certain parts,
- screw up because we are all nervous.
- or because there are many absentees thats why we should blame them.
it is not a matter of whether or not we can do it, it's a matter of whether or not we want to do it.
if you enter singapore conference hall with such an attitude and just play because we ask you do, then don't enter at all.
play with pride, people.
and show everyone we can do it.
as for those who think they're one of the best players on earth,
you have a lot to learn.
be humble.
let's not make all our efforts to waste.
don't embarrass the rest okaaaaaaaaay?
can't believe we have less than a month and less than 10 practices, we still have people with a such nonchalant attitude, and their noses in the air.
reflect on your attitude okay band.
we want silver right?
in the past we had the seniors to motivate us, so now let's all motivate each other.
is that alright?
we have to do our best in everything.
and one more question.
why is that we can sound better in the hall than the exchange?
one more question to ponder.
p.s the teachers took some videos of us in school and during the exchange.
and so..
i can't upload it, because of overture no. 1.
so yes.
after syf remind me. so i can show you guys how horrible we were yesterday.
buck up can or not?!
it's an order./E.